The
Fourth
Commandment
208)
The
fourth
commandment
is
to
know
that
the
Lord
He
is
the
God,
as
it
is
written,
“Know
today,
and
answer
to
your
heart
that
the
Lord
He
is
the
God.”
The
name
God
[Elokim]
should
be
included
in
the
name
Lord
[HaVaYaH],
to
know
that
they
are
one
and
there
is
no
separation
between
them.
Commentary:
is
and
Elokim
is
Nukva
of
and
Nukva
must
be
united
without
any
separation
between
them,
so
that
the
name
of
Elokim,
the
Nukva,
will
be
included
in
the
name
of
HaVaYaH,
and
Nukva
will
be
considered
HaVaYaH,
as
well.
This
unification
is
extension
of
to
since
the
unification
of
the
Shema
reading,
explained
in
the
third
commandment,
was
for
extending
from
to
and
the
unification
explained
here
is
for
extended
from
to
This
is
the
rule—extending
any
degree
at
all
cannot
be
all
at
once.
Rather,
first
one
must
extend
the
of
that
degree,
and
then
209)
It
is
written,
“Let
there
be
lights
in
the
firmament
of
the
heaven,”
to
shine
over
the
earth,
so
the
two
names
Elokim
will
be
one
without
any
separation
at
all.
Thus,
the
“Lights”
without
the
Vav
[in
Hebrew],
Malchut,
Elokim,
will
be
included
in
the
name
“Heaven,”
who
is
HaVaYaH,
for
they
are
one
and
there
is
no
separation
in
them.
black
light,
which
is
Malchut,
is
white
light,
which
is
There
is
no
separation
between
them
and
it
is
all
one.
This
is
the
white
cloud
of
the
day
and
the
cloud
of
fire
of
the
night.
The
quality
of
day,
and
the
quality
of
night,
Malchut,
are
corrected
in
one
another
in
one
unification
to
shine,
as
it
is
written,
“To
give
light
upon
the
earth.”
Explanation:
The
Nukva
is
called
“Lights”
without
a
Vav
[in
Hebrew],
indicating
the
diminution
of
the
moon,
as
we
learn
that
in
the
beginning
the
two
great
lights
were
on
an
equal
level
and
the
moon
complained
that
two
kings
do
not
use
the
same
Keter,
so
the
Creator
told
her,
“Go
and
diminish
yourself.”
Then
her
bottom
nine
descended
to
the
world
of
Beria,
and
she
was
diminished
into
a
point
under
Yesod
of
After
she
is
diminished,
Malchut
should
be
included
in
the
name
“heaven,”
meaning
to
make
her
big
again
so
she
is
on
an
equal
level
with
[Panim
be
Panim
(face-to-face)].
The
Nukva
should
be
raised
back
from
the
world
of
Beria
to
Atzilut
and
to
correct
the
separation
that
occurred
between
and
the
Nukva
during
the
diminution
of
the
moon.
The
diminution
of
the
moon
is
that
the
harsh
judgment
in
Leah’s
heels
was
dominating
the
Nukva,
by
which
she
diminished
into
a
point
and
her
bottom
nine
fell
into
Beria.
And
through
the
unification
of
the
Shema
reading
in
the
third
commandment,
Nukva
was
built
in
in
the
lower
unification
“Blessed
be
the
name
of
the
glory
of
His
kingdom
forever
and
ever”
because
through
the
power
of
judgment
in
her,
she
corrected
the
Dalet
in
Ehad,
who
was
dry
and
desolate,
into
a
land
that
bears
fruits
and
offspring.
The
black
in
the
Nukva,
the
force
of
judgment
in
her,
which
lowered
her
into
a
point,
rose
to
actual
light.
Specifically
by
the
power
of
the
judgment,
the
Dalet
in
Ehad
was
built
into
a
land
that
is
inhabited
and
bears
fruit.
Were
it
not
for
the
force
of
judgment
in
the
Nukva,
the
Dalet
in
Ehad,
the
Tevuna,
would
remain
dry
and
desolate.
Thus,
the
force
of
judgment
in
her
became
actual
light.
It
is
called
“black
light”
because
the
blackness
was
the
cause
of
that
light.
It
is
also
regarded
as
light
of
light
of
Hassadim.
Hence,
now
it
is
possible
to
extend
white
light
to
of
Nukva,
too,
meaning
light
of
Hochma,
since
white
means
Hochma,
by
raising
the
to
the
palace
of
upper
This
is
because
now
Nukva
of
can
mingle
with
like
since
the
force
of
judgment
in
her
has
become
actual
light.
And
although
it
is
black
light,
it
is
not
at
all
a
partition,
preventing
her
from
integrating
in
upper
since
there
is
no
separation
between
black
light,
Malchut,
in
white
light,
and
it
is
all
one.
Since
Nukva
is
considered
light,
she
can
be
included
in
the
light
of
for
light
in
light
are
two
of
a
kind
and
are
regarded
as
one.
And
the
blackness,
which
causes
her
light,
does
not
part
or
degrade
her
at
all,
for
it
is
the
cause
of
all
her
merit,
as
without
it
she
would
not
be
considered
light.
This
is
the
white
cloud
of
the
day
and
the
cloud
of
fire
of
the
night.
The
quality
of
day
is
and
the
quality
of
night
is
Malchut.
By
uniting
and
including
in
when
was
included
in
upper
Aba
and
Nukva
in
upper
Ima,
became
a
white
cloud
for
the
light
of
day,
and
Nukva
a
cloud
of
fire
for
the
light
of
the
night—the
quality
of
day
and
the
quality
of
night
that
are
united
in
one
another,
as
it
is
written,
“And
there
was
evening
and
there
was
morning,
one
day.”
They
are
corrected
in
one
another
in
a
single
unification
to
shine,
as
it
is
written,
“To
give
light
upon
the
earth,”
meaning
that
the
quality
of
day
is
included
in
the
quality
of
night,
Nukva,
in
one
day.
Also,
they
are
corrected
in
one
another
to
give
light
upon
the
earth,
to
Nukva’s
masses
in
the
three
worlds
210)
This
is
the
sin
of
the
primordial
serpent
that
connects
below
and
separates
above.
And
for
this
reason,
it
caused
what
it
caused
to
the
world,
since
it
should
be
separated
below
and
connected
above.
Also,
the
black
light,
Malchut,
must
be
unified
above,
in
in
one
bonding
so
that
afterwards
Malchut
will
be
unified
in
her
hosts
in
her
unification,
to
part
her
from
the
evil
side.
This
is
so
because
the
unification
of
the
extension
of
to
is
only
by
raising
them
to
the
place
of
above
the
Chazeh
of
is
included
in
Aba,
Nukva
in
Ima,
and
then
they
both
unite
and
gives
from
Aba
to
the
Nukva,
who
dresses
Ima.
But
below
the
Chazeh
of
where
stand
permanently,
it
is
forbidden
to
make
the
unification
of
extending
to
Nukva,
as
this
is
the
sin
of
the
tree
of
knowledge
by
which
the
primordial
serpent
brought
death
to
the
world.
It
incited
Adam
and
Eve
to
make
that
unification
below,
in
the
place
of
below
the
Chazeh
of
and
by
that
it
flawed
above,
as
well.
This
is
the
reason
why
the
coupling
stopped
in
upper
as
well.
“This
is
the
sin
of
the
primordial
serpent
that
connects
below
and
separates
above.
And
for
this
reason,
it
caused
what
it
caused
to
the
world,”
for
it
connected
the
to
impart
in
the
Nukva
below
in
their
place.
By
that,
it
caused
the
people
of
the
world
to
bring
death
upon
them
because
it
separated
above,
which
caused
the
cessation
of
the
coupling
in
from
which
life
extends
to
the
people
of
the
world.
When
the
Sitra
Achra
approaches
to
suckle
from
the
coupling
below
the
Chazeh
of
the
place
where
they
grip,
the
upper
coupling
of
promptly
stops
because
they
are
promptly
parted
from
bestowing
upon
each
other
so
the
abundance
will
not
go
down
to
the
Sitra
Achra.
All
of
that
was
because
it
should
be
separated
below
and
connected
above,
for
care
is
required
to
separate
below
in
their
place
so
they
will
not
make
a
coupling
there
below
in
extension
of
and
connect
them
only
above,
in
the
place
of
themselves.
And
the
black
light
should
be
unified
above
in
one
unification
because
the
black
light,
Nukva
of
should
be
raised
along
with
to
the
white
light,
to
to
connect
the
there
in
one
bonding.
Also,
gives
abundance
of
from
Aba
to
the
Nukva,
and
afterwards
the
Nukva
returns
with
the
abundance
that
she
received
to
her
place
below,
where
the
of
the
souls
of
Israel
are
in
a
state
of
This
is
why
it
was
said
that
afterwards
she
will
unite
with
her
masses
in
her
unification.
She
unites
with
the
souls
of
the
children
of
Israel,
called
“the
masses
of
the
Nukva,”
in
one
unification
and
bestows
upon
them
from
the
abundance
that
she
received
above
in
She
should
be
parted
from
the
evil
side
because
by
avoiding
to
connect
the
in
their
place
below,
separating
the
Nukva
from
the
evil
side,
the
Sitra
Achra
cannot
enjoy
the
abundance.
However,
if
are
connected
below,
the
Sitra
Achra
can
receive
the
abundance,
hence
are
separated
above
and
their
coupling
is
stopped.
211)
Yet,
we
should
know
that
Elokim
is
HaVaYaH,
and
it
is
one
without
separation.
is
the
Elokim
[The
Lord
He
is
the
God],
and
when
a
person
knows
that
it
is
all
one,
and
does
not
place
separation,
even
the
other
side
will
depart
from
the
world
and
will
not
be
drawn
down.
Although
there
is
fear
that
he
will
evoke
the
coupling
of
in
their
place,
it
must
not
be
a
reason
to
avoid
making
the
unification
as
it
should
be,
in
the
place
of
Instead,
we
should
know
that
Elokim
is
HaVaYaH,
it
is
all
one
without
separation,
but
we
must
extend
the
unification
of
in
the
place
of
to
unite
the
with
the
Nukva
as
one
without
separation.
And
when
a
person
knows
that
it
is
all
one,
and
does
not
place
separation,
even
the
other
side
will
depart
from
the
world
and
will
not
be
drawn
below.
This
is
so
because
if
a
person
intensifies
the
raising
of
and
elevating
the
to
unite
them
in
the
place
of
as
it
should
be,
not
only
will
the
Sitra
Achra
not
grip
to
the
abundance,
but
it
will
cause
the
removal
of
the
Sitra
Achra
so
that
she
cannot
govern
the
world.
212)
It
is
written,
“And
let
them
be
Me’orot
[lights],”
with
the
letters
of
Ohr
[light]
Mavet
[death],
since
the
shell
follows
the
brain.
The
brain
is
light,
and
the
other
side
is
death.
Light
is
in
the
bonding
of
the
letters
in
the
word
Me’orot
[Aleph-Vav-Reish,
Ohr],
and
Mavet
[Mem-Vav-Tav,
death]
is
in
the
separated
letters
in
the
word
Me’orot.
When
this
light
departs
from
there,
the
letters
of
the
separation,
Mavet,
unite.
In
other
words,
when
you
take
the
letters
Ohr
out
of
the
word
Me’orot,
the
letters
Mavet
join
together.
This
is
the
meaning
of
“And
let
them
be
Me’orot
[lights],”
where
the
shell
rises
and
follows
the
brain.
Brain
is
light,
and
Sitra
Achra
is
death.
Light
is
in
bonding
the
letters,
and
death
is
in
separating
the
letters.
Commentary:
The
force
of
judgment
in
Malchut
is
the
root
of
the
existence
of
the
Sitra
Achra
and
the
shells,
as
it
is
written,
“And
His
kingdom
rules
over
all.”
Through
the
unification
of
the
in
for
extension
of
and
the
force
of
judgment
in
Malchut
is
inverted
into
being
black
light
by
extension
of
in
the
bottom
unification
of
the
Shema
reading.
Afterwards,
Malchut
is
raised
once
more
to
and
her
black
light
unites
with
the
white
light
of
upper
Therefore,
this
unification
is
implied
in
the
verse
“And
let
them
be
Me’orot,”
the
letters
of
Ohr
[light]
and
Mavet
[death].
Light
is
in
bonding
the
letters,
where
by
extending
the
and
to
the
Nukva
in
one
bonding
with
the
in
the
place
of
AVI—as
the
force
of
judgment
was
inverted
in
the
Nukva
into
being
actual
light—so
all
the
forces
of
the
Sitra
Achra
and
the
shells
that
are
drawn
from
this
judgment
were
canceled,
and
the
shell
rises
after
the
brain,
meaning
that
the
shell
is
canceled
because
of
the
Mochin
of
Nukva,
since
the
root
of
the
Sitra
Achra,
the
force
of
judgment
in
the
Nukva,
was
canceled
in
the
Nukva’s
brain
and
became
light.
Thus,
the
force
of
the
shell
was
necessarily
canceled,
too.
It
follows
that
light
is
in
the
bonding
of
the
letters,
and
death
is
in
separated
letters.
By
the
bonding
of
when
the
force
of
judgment
became
light,
the
letters
Mavet,
which
are
the
Sitra
Achra,
were
separated.
They
were
canceled
inside
the
light,
and
the
combination
Me’orot
Ohr
was
made
in
the
middle,
in
the
bonding.
And
Mavet
[death]
is
in
separation—the
letter
Mem
in
the
beginning
of
the
word,
and
the
letters
Vav-Tav
at
the
end
of
the
word.
When
this
light
departs
from
there,
the
letters
of
separation,
Mavet,
unite.
When
not
making
the
unification
in
the
place
of
but
in
the
place
of
below,
the
light
departs
from
there
because
are
promptly
separated
from
their
coupling
and
the
light
stops.
Then
the
word
Ohr
comes
out
of
the
word
Me’orot,
and
the
letters
of
Mavet
join.
This
is
so
because
after
the
elicitation
of
the
light
from
the
word
Me’orot,
the
word
death
remains
there
because
the
letters
of
Ohr
have
already
departed
from
the
word,
and
they
no
longer
separate
the
letters
of
Mavet.
This
implies
to
the
sin
of
that
primordial
serpent,
which
connected
below
in
the
place
of
and
hence
separated
above
for
because
their
coupling
stopped
because
of
it
and
has
brought
death
to
the
world.
213)
Eve
began
from
these
letters
and
caused
harm
to
the
world,
as
it
is
written,
“And
the
woman
saw
that
the
tree
was
good.”
She
reverted
the
letters
of
Me’orot,
taking
the
words
VaTereh
[and
she
saw]
from
there,
leaving
Mem-Vav
in
the
word
Me’orot.
And
they
went
and
took
the
letter
Tav
with
them,
creating
the
combination
Mavet
[death].
Thus
she
caused
death
to
the
world.
The
unification
is
explained
in
the
letters
“Let
them
be
Me’orot
[lights],”
which
are
extension
of
to
When
uniting
them
above,
in
the
place
of
it
extends
light
in
bonding,
separating
the
letters
of
Mavet
as
it
expands
into
them,
and
creating
the
combination
Me’orot.
If
are
united
below
in
their
place,
the
light
departs
once
more
from
the
combination
Me’orot,
leaving
there
Mavet
[death]
in
the
bonding
of
the
letters.
“Eve
began
from
these
letters”
because
the
beginning
of
Eve’s
sin
in
the
tree
of
knowledge
begins
with
the
letters
“And
the
woman
saw
that
the
tree
was
good.”
Eve
drew
for
herself
the
letters
VaTereh
[saw]
from
the
word
Me’orot,
meaning
that
she
heeded
the
advice
of
the
serpent
to
connect
in
their
place
below,
thus
blemishing
the
combination
of
Me’orot.
Then
she
reverted
the
letters
of
Me’orot
because
by
bonding
below,
she
caused
the
separation
of
above.
Thus,
the
letters
of
the
combination
Ohr
[Aleph-Vav-Reish],
which
separate
and
cancel
the
combination
Mavet
in
the
word
Me’orot,
were
separated
and
she
made
the
combination
VaTereh,
in
which
the
letters
Ohr
are
dispersed
in
reverse
order
[in
Hebrew]
because
of
the
Tav
that
came
among
them.
The
Tav,
Nukva
of
the
Sitra
Achra,
who
is
called
Mavet,
approached
the
light
to
receive
and
to
suckle
from
it.
It
is
so
because
in
the
Sitra
Achra,
which
is
called
Mavet,
there
are
male
and
female,
and
Lilit.
The
letter
Mem
is
the
male
of
Mavet,
who
is
called
and
the
letter
Tav
is
his
Nukva,
who
is
called
Lilit.
By
heeding
the
advice
of
the
serpent
to
connect
from
below,
the
Nukva
of
Mavet
promptly
approached
to
suckle
from
the
abundance,
and
the
letters
of
Ohr
were
dispersed
in
reverse
order,
as
in
the
combination
VaTereh,
because
the
Tav
came
inside
the
light
[Ohr]
and
dispersed
them.
After
Eve
drew
the
letters
VaTereh
from
Me’orot,
there
remained
Mem-Vav
from
the
combination
Me’orot,
which
are
the
male,
who
is
called
Mem
of
Mavet
and
Yesod,
Vav
of
Mavet.
They
went
and
took
the
letter
Tav
with
them,
meaning
that
the
male
of
Mavet,
Mem-Vav,
who
remained
from
Me’orot,
went
to
the
Nukva,
the
Tav
of
Mavet,
and
they
made
a
coupling
and
brought
Mavet
upon
the
world,
as
it
is
written,
VaTereh.
The
male
of
the
Sitra
Achra,
Mem-Vav,
made
a
coupling
with
the
Tav
of
VaTereh,
who
was
already
in
Eve.
This
is
the
meaning
of
the
serpent
coming
over
Eve
and
casting
filth
in
her.
By
heeding
the
advice
of
the
serpent,
the
Tav
entered
her,
separating
and
dispersing
the
letters
Ohr
[Aleph-Vav-Reish],
and
making
the
combination
of
the
letters
VaTereh
[“And
the
woman
saw”]
with
her
seeing.
Afterwards,
the
male
of
the
Sitra
Achra,
Mem-Vav,
came
and
made
a
coupling
with
the
Tav,
who
was
already
in
Eve,
and
Mavet
[“death,”
Mem-Vav-Tav]
appeared
in
the
world.
214)
Rabbi
Elazar
said,
“My
father,
have
learned
that
after
Eve
took
the
letters
VaTereh
from
Me’orot,
it
was
not
Mem-Vav
that
remained,
but
only
Mem,
since
the
Vav—which
is
always
a
sign
of
life,
was
inverted
into
Mavet,
leaving
and
taking
the
Tav
with
her,
as
it
is
written,
‘And
she
took
...
and
she
gave.’
Thus,
this
word
was
completed
and
the
letters
Mavet
joined
together.”
He
replied
to
him,
“Blessed
are
you,
my
son.”
Commentary:
Mem
remained
alone,
without
the
Vav,
Yesod,
since
who
is
the
male
of
Mavet,
had
no
Yesod,
for
another
god
is
infertile
and
does
not
bear
fruit.
Rather,
the
Vav,
life,
the
Yesod
of
Kedusha
[holiness],
was
inverted
from
Kedusha
into
a
shell,
and
became
a
Yesod
for
the
male
of
Mavet.
After
it
gained
Yesod
from
the
Kedusha,
Vav
went
and
made
a
coupling
with
the
Tav,
connecting
the
letters
Mem
with
Tav
through
the
Vav
he
had
robbed
from
the
Kedusha.
The
evidence
is
the
sin
of
the
tree
of
knowledge,
which
begins
with
connecting
the
Vav
and
Tav,
as
it
is
written,
“And
she
took
...
and
gave”
[“and”
is
Vav,
and
“took”
and
“gave”
both
begin
with
Tav
in
Hebrew],
for
the
exit
of
the
Vav
to
the
Sitra
Achra
was
born
by
the
sin
of
the
tree
of
knowledge
itself,
which
she
did
not
have
before.
Rabbi
Shimon
agreed
with
his
words.